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Prices and Booking 

Sessions are held in person or via Skype. An individual personal Soul Contract reading costs £170.  If you are keen to  extend the reading and include family members and/or partner prices start from £230 up to £270. Depending on the number of relationships we include.
Your birth chart reading takes me approximately two hours to prepare. We will then have a 1 hour session together in which I will deliver the reading. This is recorded so you can go back to it at anytime. Payments are made in advance and via pay pal or bank transfer. 

Soul Contract Reading

This awakening tool  is a Spiritual Map of your life  

It provides you with a true in-depth, channelled system of spiritual information on your life experiences and the challenges you experience here on the earth plane and identifies your Karmic challenges, talents and goals, which enables you to understand, manage and certain challenges, show you your strengths, to bring more balance and harmony into your life.

Would you like to understand your life experiences and work through your challenges, engage with your soul’s purpose, Understand and build better relationships, Manifest your dreams.

A chart based on your birth name using the sound vibration of 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet and numbers decodes and describes your karma (lessons) talents goals and soul destiny.

The chart is interpreted to place your life experiences into perspective and to show you, your goals in life.

Relationships charts are also available to explain your interaction with others, e.g your partner, family, friends and those you work with.

Name changes, House Names and Business Readings are also available, Recommendations may be made to help you achieve your maximum potential in life.