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Prices and Booking

Two hours sessions held in person or via Skype
Cost £170
Payments are via Paypal or bank transfer.  Please click below and I will respond within 48 hours.  I look forward to working with you.

Lightbody Integration 

This awakening tool facilitates the embodying and expression of your essence which allows the unfolding of Divine Purpose.

We chose to incarnate the Lightbody, to forget, be asleep, and lower our frequency to experience complete separation from God/Spirit/All that is, on the Earth plane, experiencing this limited reality,  illusion to expand God’s Consciousness.

The Ascension process requires us to reactive the Lightbody, as more and more people are  awakening, and are requiring assistance to raise their frequency and embody higher consciousness.

The awakening process creates uncomfortable symptoms as our bodies absorb the light and release separation programmes.  It takes an enormous amount of energy to become unconscious and forget that we are God, this illusion is created by structures, devices and programming in our energy fields.

The Lightbody integration work is an awakening tool to help remove structures and separation programmes and is also an activation tool to help you embody your Soul and manifest your Divine  Purpose with Grace and Ease.

This Higher Light activates dormant parts of our DNA to eventually turning us into beings of Light. New pathways are cut through our brains creating new ways of thinking and psychic openings

Our heart chakras open multidimensionally to  merge with all the other chakras to create our Merkabah (vehicle for Ascension). This allows connection with and integration of Higher Consciousness in our personalities and bodies.

The Lightbody Integration work is designed to assist you in this transition process and consists of a progression through different stages, which usually take 2 hours each session to complete: